Displaying 1 - 20 of 12
  Ring Width Ring Height WK Trial Year Trial Dates Trial Club Trial City Trial St Pend Confirm Trial Judge1 Trial Judge2 Trial Classes Trial Ringsize Course Double Yes No Trial FName Trial LName Trial Email Trial Website Premium Approval ID
19 2016 May 10-12 NADAC Fun-Raiser Bend OR Confirmed 1/4/15 Judges List Tues: 2 XHp
Wed: 2 Br
Thurs: 2 Wv
100x100 Sharon Nelson NADACSharon@aol.com nadac.com/nadac_premiums.htm 169
19 2013 May 10-12 Agility Acres Recreation Facility Santa Rosa CA Confirmed 2/14/13 Susan Perry Fri: Tg, Wv
Sat: CC, 2 Reg, J, Tg, Wv
Sun: CC, 2 Reg, J, NumHp, Tn
80x100 Chocolate
Pick 1
Maureen Lyons agilityacres@yahoo.com http://agilityacres.net 1460
19 2013 May 10-12 In The Zone Woodstown NJ Confirmed 12/8/12 Robin Carberry Fri: CC, 2 Reg, J, 2 Tg, 2 XHP
Sat: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Wv, 2 XBR
Sun: 2 CC, 2 Reg, 2 More ...
100x100 Brian
Lisa Bonker lmsphd@gmail.com http://www.inthezoneagility.homestead.com/ 1462
19 2013 May 10-12 Northeast Agility Enthusiasts Stephentown NY Confirmed 1/15/13 Ron Young Fri: Tn, Wv, 2 XHP
Sat: CC, 2 Reg, J, Tn, Wv, 2 XBR
Sun: CC, 2 Reg, J, 2 Tg
100x100 Speedy
EGC Cayly
Erin Wajda NAE@northeastagility.com www.northeastagility.com 1464
19 2013 May 10-12 U2 Kan Du Agility Lawrence KS Confirmed 1/31/13 Don Cuda Fri: NumHp, Tg, Wv
Sat: CC, 2 Reg, J, Tg, Wv
Sun: CC, 2 Reg, J, 2 Tn
110x90 Showboat
Matt McCarter Dartmoor@swbell.net www.U2KanDuAgility.com 1465
19 2013 May 10-12 Yellowstone Dog Sports Red Lodge MT Confirmed 1/15/13 Craig Coonrad Fri: Tg, Tn
Sat: CC, 2 Reg, J, NumHp, Tg
Sun: CC, 2 Reg, J, Tn, Wv
100x100 Humbug
Elaine Osmun erracer@aol.com www.yellowstonedogsports.com 1466
19 2019 May 10-12 Love and Laughter Dogs Cleveland TX Confirmed 1/15/19 Craig Coonrad <br>Fri: 2 Wv, 2 Hp<br>Sat: 2 CC, 2 Reg, 2 Tg, 2 Br<br>Sun: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Tn 90x90 Ardis, Ardis_BrHp yes Sheila Freeman loveandlaughterdogs@yahoo.com 2998
19 2019 May 10-12 In the Zone Agility Woodstown NJ Confirmed 12/11/18 Robin Carberry <br>Fri: CC, 2 Reg, J, 2 Wv<br>Sat: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Tn, 2 Br<br>Sun: 2 CC, 2 Reg, More ... 100x100 Leona, Avocado, Smeagol_B yes Lisa Schmit inthezoneagility@gmail.com www.inthezoneagility.com 3006
19 2019 May 10-12 Dogs on Q Agility Lawrence KS Confirmed 12/1/18 Mark Buehl <br>Fri: 2 Tg, 2 Br<br>Sat: 2 CC, 2 Reg, 2 Wv, 2 Hp<br>Sun: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Tn 90x90 Ardis, Ardis_BrHp yes Lee Ann Jahansooz ljahans@yahoo.com 3030
19 2019 May 10-12 Canines By Karen Greenback TN Confirmed 1/14/19 Patti Cavin <br>Fri: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Tg<br>Sat: CC, 2 Reg, J, 2 Wv, 2 Hp<br>Sun: 2 CC, 2 Reg, More ... 90x90 Ardis, Balloon, Ardis_BrH yes Karen Echternacht karenscaninecompanions@gmail.com www.caninesbykaren.com 3038
19 2019 May 10-12 Yellowstone Dog Sports Red Lodge MT Confirmed 9/17/18 Marcy Matties <br>Fri: 2 Tg, 2 Tn<br>Sat: 2 CC, 2 Reg, 2 Wv, 2 Br<br>Sun: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Hp 100x100 Leona, Leona_BrHp yes Rachael Roper roper.rachael@yahoo.com www.yellowstonedogsports.com 3052
19 2019 May 10-12 Northeast Agility Enthusiasts Stephentown NY Confirmed 2/10/19 Scott Casino <br>Sat: 2 CC, 2 Reg, Tn, Wv, 2 Br<br>Sun: 2 Reg, 2 J, 2 Tg, 2 Hp 100x100 Zeke, Rocket_BrHp yes Erin Wajda NAE@northeastagility.com www.northeastagility.com 3091